Our Vision
Great Investor exists to teach and promote biblical wisdom and contemporary financial insight. To provide investment techniques for the Christian community free of charge.
Richard Everett
Featured speaker at Yale University School of Management Believers in Business Conference
Featured in New Man Christian Magazine
Named Financial Planner of the Year (in 1996 by First Financial Planners Inc.)
Profiled in Registered Representative Magazine
Was honored by Northeast Christians at Work as the President of a Christian-based Financial Services Co.
Richard's Biography
Richard Everett started his career in the financial services industry in 1984 and is the founder and past president of the Everett Financial Group, Inc. in North Haven, Connecticut. Prior to selling his investment firm in 2008, he held the designation of Registered Financial Consultant and Registered Representative.
Richard was a member of the International Association of Financial Planners and was named Financial Planner of the Year in 1996 by First Financial Planners. In addition to teaching hundreds of seminars, he has hosted his own radio and television shows and has authored several books on finance, including What Ever Happened to the Promised Land?
Richard Everett is a national and internationally known speaker. He has taught biblical financial principles in churches, conferences, bible colleges, and universities, including Yale University School of Management Believers in Business Conference.
Richard has served on several faith-based boards of directors including Teen Challenge and Africa New Life Ministries. Richard and his wife, MarySue attend Hope City Church in Bonita Springs, Florida. They have two amazing children and five awesome grandchildren.
Richard travels the country speaking to congregations on stewardship, financial planning, and biblically based investing.
Learn more about Richard in the article: Balancing God's Checkbook
Profit from one of America’s most respected investment professionals as he shares simple yet effective rules for consistently making money in the stock market.