Do Something Special for Your Loved Ones
Several years ago, my grandmother called to inform me that my grandfather had just passed away. She went on to ask me if I would fly out to Ohio and help her. She said she didn’t know if she was rich or poor. After so many years of marriage, she didn’t know anything about their finances.
After spending three solid weeks in the Buckeye state going through their records, statements and files, I was able to put a spreadsheet together for my grandmother. As it turned out, she was going to be okay financially.
On my return flight home, while reflecting on what she had just gone through, I vowed to make sure my family wouldn’t experience the same anguish. The first thing I did was to pay a visit to our local funeral home and preplan my funeral – not pay it, just plan it. I saw the funeral director manipulate my grandmother while going through the details of my grandfather’s funeral. “You want the best for him, don’t you?” was an often-asked question.
The second thing I did was to fill out What My Family Should Know, a free download on, so my wife would not have to wonder if she was rich or poor. The document allowed me to list all of our assets, account numbers and location of our legal papers. Why? Because I didn’t want my wife and family to go through what my grandmother had to endure.
Lastly, I found a trusted advisor, someone she could work with and feel comfortable with once I die. The reason? I do not want some unqualified, fly by night, pushy salesperson to take advantage of my wife once I am gone. I worked too long and hard to have it all disappear and have my wife end up a bag lady.
Here is something to think about:
· 80% of women die widowed
· 80% of men die married
· 65% of poor women over age 75 are widows.
The simple truth is, women live longer than men. The reality is, men generally handle the household finances.
So, gentleman, do something special for your spouse – fill out What My Family Should Know and give it to her as a present.
Ladies, if you are going it alone, fill out What My Family Should Know, so your kids won’t have to go through unnecessary grief.
Since we are all going to die, you might as well plan ahead – which brings us to a new meaning of “thinking outside the box!”
Bless your family today!
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